Spalding 60 In. Acrylic Screw Jack Portable Basketball Hoop System
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Lot Number:840
Start Time:3/11/2023 6:00:00 PM
End Time:3/18/2023 1:19:40 AM
Bid Count:0
Current High Bidder:
Starting Bid:$65.00
Bid Increment:$1.00
Current Bid:$0.00
Bidding complete
Spalding 60 In. Acrylic Screw Jack Portable Basketball Hoop System Retails for 360

Sold As is 

Cash or Zell to  469-875-2346........Replicopy

1120 Jupiter Road
Suite 190
Plano, Texas 75074
United States

3/18/2023   From 9:00 AM to 2 PM

Call 469-426-9962 for late pick up 

If you don't call at least 15 minutes before 2:00 PM

After 2:00 PM   25:00 Late fee  Occurs

1120 Jupiter Road Suite 190

Plano, Texas 75074

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RDM Auctions presents this great auction consisting of

Home goods, Exercise Equipment, Sporting Goods, Trampolines, Toys

Call for late pick up Appointments


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15% Buyers Premium added


1120 Jupiter Road  Suite 190

Plano, Texas 75074

Preview THURSDAY 3/16/2023 12:00 Noon  to 2:00 PM

Ends: FRIDAY 3/17/2023 at 7pm

Pick up Saturday 3/18/2023   From 9:00 AM to 2 PM